A person measures a horse's back with a tape measure, then selects a blanket size from a chart How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

Last Updated: 21 March 2024By Tags:

Horse blankets are an essential item for horse owners, providing warmth and protection from the elements. However, selecting the correct size and type of blanket can be a daunting task, especially for new horse owners. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to size a horse blanket, including measuring your horse, selecting the correct size, ensuring proper fit and comfort, and maintaining and caring for your blanket.

Understanding Horse Blanket Types There are many different types of horse blankets, each designed for specific weather conditions and activities. Some common types include stable blankets, turnout blankets, and fly sheets. It is essential to understand the different types of blankets to select the appropriate one for your horse’s needs.

Measuring Your Horse for a Blanket Measuring your horse is the first step in selecting the correct size of blanket. You will need a soft measuring tape and a helper to hold your horse still. The measurements you will need include your horse’s length, width, and height. These measurements will help you select the correct blanket size for your horse.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the different types of horse blankets is essential for selecting the appropriate one for your horse’s needs.
  • Measuring your horse is the first step in selecting the correct size of blanket.
  • Ensuring proper fit and comfort, as well as maintaining and caring for your blanket, are critical for your horse’s health and well-being.

Understanding Horse Blanket Types

A horse standing calmly with a variety of blankets laid out next to it, showcasing different types and sizes

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

When it comes to horse blankets, there are three main types that horse owners should be aware of: Turnout Blankets, Stable Blankets, and Sheets.

Turnout Blankets

Turnout blankets are designed to protect horses from harsh weather conditions such as rain, wind, and snow. They are made with waterproof and breathable materials, and are typically lined with insulation to keep horses warm and dry. Turnout blankets come in different weights, ranging from lightweight to heavyweight, and the weight of the blanket should be chosen based on the horse’s individual needs and the weather conditions.

Stable Blankets

Stable blankets are designed to keep horses warm while they are in the barn. They are not waterproof, so they should not be used outside. Stable blankets come in different weights, just like turnout blankets, and the weight of the blanket should be chosen based on the horse’s individual needs and the temperature inside the barn.


Sheets are lightweight blankets that are designed to be used in mild weather conditions or as a layering piece under a heavier blanket. They are not waterproof, and they do not provide much insulation, so they should not be used in cold or wet weather.

When choosing a horse blanket, it is important to consider the horse’s individual needs, the weather conditions, and the type of blanket that will work best for the situation. By understanding the different types of horse blankets available, horse owners can make informed decisions about which blankets to purchase for their horses.

Measuring Your Horse for a Blanket

When it comes to buying a horse blanket, getting the right size is crucial for your horse’s comfort and safety. Measuring your horse for a blanket is not difficult, but it does require some attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide to measuring your horse for a blanket.

Tools Required

Before you start measuring your horse, make sure you have the following tools:

  • A soft measuring tape
  • A helper, if possible

Step-by-Step Measuring Guide

  1. Stand your horse squarely on level ground, preferably on a non-slip surface. This will ensure accurate measurements.
  2. Locate the center point of the chest, which is the point where the neck meets the chest. Place the measuring tape at this point and measure straight back to the center of the tail. This will give you the length of the blanket that you need.
  3. Next, measure from the withers (the highest point of the shoulder blades) to the point of the shoulder. This measurement will help you determine the correct size for the neck opening of the blanket.
  4. Finally, measure the height of your horse from the ground to the highest point of the withers. This measurement will help you determine the correct size for the drop of the blanket.

It’s important to note that every horse is different, and blanket sizes can vary between manufacturers. Always refer to the manufacturer’s size chart before making a purchase. If in doubt, it’s better to go for a larger size than a smaller one, as a too-small blanket can cause discomfort and restrict movement.

In summary, measuring your horse for a blanket involves measuring the length, neck opening, and drop of your horse. With a soft measuring tape and a helper, you can ensure a comfortable and well-fitting blanket for your equine friend.

Selecting the Correct Blanket Size

When it comes to selecting the correct size for a horse blanket, there are a few things to consider. A well-fitted blanket will provide the necessary warmth and protection to the horse. Here are some tips for selecting the correct blanket size for your horse.

Size Chart Utilization

Most horse blanket manufacturers provide a size chart that can be used as a guide to determine the correct size. These charts typically use increments of 2 inches for sizing. To use the chart, measure your horse from the center of the chest to the center of the tail, and then round up to the nearest even number. This will give you the correct size to order.

Some charts may also include measurements for the horse’s height, weight, or girth. It is important to take all of these measurements into consideration when selecting a blanket size. If you are unsure about which size to order, it is always best to consult the manufacturer’s size chart or contact customer service for assistance.

When to Round Up

When using a size chart to select a horse blanket size, it is important to know when to round up. If your horse falls between two sizes, it is generally recommended to round up to the next size. This will ensure that the blanket is not too snug or tight on the horse, which can cause discomfort or rubbing.

It is also important to consider the type of blanket you are purchasing. Some blankets may have adjustable straps or buckles that allow for a more custom fit. In these cases, it may be acceptable to choose a slightly smaller size and adjust the straps or buckles accordingly.

In conclusion, selecting the correct size for a horse blanket is crucial for the comfort and protection of the horse. By utilizing a size chart and knowing when to round up, horse owners can ensure that their horse is properly fitted for a blanket.

Ensuring Proper Fit and Comfort

When it comes to sizing a horse blanket, ensuring a proper fit and maximum comfort is crucial. A well-fitting blanket not only protects the horse from the elements but also allows for unrestricted movement. Here are some tips to ensure a proper fit and maximum comfort:

Checking for Potential Rubbing

A horse blanket that fits too tightly can cause rubbing, which can lead to sores and discomfort for the horse. To avoid this, it is important to check for any signs of rubbing, particularly around the shoulders and drop of the blanket. If rubbing is present, consider adjusting the blanket or purchasing one with gussets to allow for more freedom of movement.

Adjusting for Horse’s Movement

It is important to ensure that the horse blanket does not slip or shift while the horse is in motion. This can cause discomfort and potentially even injury. To prevent slippage, check that the surcingles are snug but not too tight, and adjust the front closure to ensure a proper fit.

Another consideration when it comes to ensuring maximum comfort is the pressure points on the horse’s body. The neck opening should be snug but not too tight, and the blanket should not put pressure on the withers or spine.

In conclusion, ensuring a proper fit and maximum comfort is crucial when it comes to sizing a horse blanket. By checking for rubbing and adjusting for the horse’s movement, horse owners can help ensure that their horses stay comfortable and protected from the elements.

Factors Affecting Blanket Choice

A horse standing in a field, wearing a blanket. A person measures the horse's back for sizing. Different blanket options are laid out nearby

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

When it comes to choosing the right blanket for a horse, there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. The two most important factors are weather conditions and the horse’s coat and clipping.

Weather Conditions

The first thing to consider when choosing a blanket for a horse is the weather conditions. Horses need protection from the elements, especially during cold weather. A blanket that is waterproof and provides insulation is ideal for horses during winter.

It is important to choose a blanket that provides waterproof protection during rain or snow. This will keep the horse dry and prevent them from getting sick. Insulation is also important to keep the horse warm in cold temperatures. A blanket with good insulation will keep the horse comfortable even in the coldest weather.

Horse’s Coat and Clipping

The second factor to consider when choosing a blanket for a horse is the horse’s coat and clipping. Horses with a winter coat do not need as much insulation as horses that have been body clipped. A horse that has been body clipped will need a blanket with more insulation to keep them warm.

It is also important to consider the type of clipping that has been done. A horse that has been fully clipped will need a heavier blanket than a horse that has only been partially clipped. The thickness of the winter coat will also affect the type of blanket that is needed. A horse with a thin winter coat will need a heavier blanket than a horse with a thick winter coat.

In conclusion, when choosing a blanket for a horse, it is important to consider the weather conditions and the horse’s coat and clipping. A blanket that provides waterproof protection and insulation is ideal for horses during winter. Horses with a winter coat do not need as much insulation as horses that have been body clipped.

Maintaining and Caring for Blankets

When it comes to maintaining and caring for horse blankets, proper cleaning and storage are essential. Additionally, it’s important to repair and waterproof blankets to extend their lifespan and keep horses comfortable.

Cleaning and Storage

To clean horse blankets, it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Generally, it’s recommended to use a gentle detergent and cold water to avoid damaging the fabric. Blankets should be hung to dry, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Once dry, blankets can be folded and stored in a dry, cool place.

It’s important to note that turnout blankets should be cleaned more frequently than stable blankets, as they are exposed to more dirt and moisture. Additionally, damp blankets should never be stored, as this can lead to mold and mildew growth.

Repair and Waterproofing

Horse blankets can experience wear and tear over time, especially if they are used frequently. It’s important to repair any rips or tears as soon as possible, as this can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of the blanket. Additionally, waterproofing should be applied regularly to ensure the blanket remains water-resistant.

When repairing or waterproofing a blanket, it’s important to use products specifically designed for horse blankets. Using the wrong products can damage the fabric or make the blanket less effective. It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

By properly maintaining and caring for horse blankets, owners can ensure their horses remain comfortable and protected in all weather conditions.

Recognizing Signs of Poor Blanket Fit

A horse standing calmly in a well-lit area, wearing a blanket that is either too tight or too loose, with clear signs of discomfort or restriction in movement

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

Too Tight or Too Loose

A horse blanket that is too tight can cause discomfort and restrict movement, while a blanket that is too loose can shift and cause rubbing or chafing. It is important to ensure that the blanket fits properly to avoid these issues. Signs that a blanket is too tight include the horse’s inability to move freely, rub marks or sores, and a tense or uncomfortable demeanor. Signs that a blanket is too loose include slipping or sliding, bunching or sagging, and rubbing or chafing.

Wear and Tear Indicators

Another sign of a poor blanket fit is wear and tear. A blanket that does not fit properly can cause excess rubbing and friction, leading to holes, tears, and other damage. Common wear and tear indicators include frayed edges, holes, and thinning fabric. It is important to inspect blankets regularly and replace them when necessary to ensure that the horse remains comfortable and protected.

When selecting a horse blanket, it is important to consider the horse’s body condition and the number of calories they need. A blanket that is too heavy can cause the horse to overheat, while a blanket that is too light can leave the horse cold and uncomfortable. It is important to choose a blanket that is appropriate for the horse’s needs and body condition to ensure that they remain comfortable and healthy.

Overall, recognizing signs of poor blanket fit is crucial to ensuring the horse’s comfort and well-being. By paying attention to signs of discomfort, wear and tear, and selecting the appropriate blanket, horse owners can help their horses stay healthy and happy.

Blanket Accessories and Additional Considerations

A horse stands calmly as a person measures its back for a blanket. Various blanket accessories and sizing charts are laid out nearby

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

When selecting a horse blanket, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind beyond just the size and fit. Blanket accessories can help ensure the blanket stays securely in place and provide additional comfort for the horse.

Choosing the Right Fastenings

The fastenings on a horse blanket are an important consideration. Leg straps, for example, can help keep the blanket from shifting or twisting, while chest closures can help ensure a snug fit. It is important to select fastenings that are appropriate for the horse’s activity level and temperament. For example, a horse that is particularly active may need more secure fastenings than a horse that spends most of its time in a stall.

Selecting Appropriate Liners

Liners can be a useful addition to a horse blanket, providing extra warmth during colder weather or added protection against rubbing and chafing. When selecting a liner, it is important to choose one that is appropriate for the temperature and activity level of the horse. A liner that is too heavy can cause the horse to overheat, while a liner that is too light may not provide enough warmth.

It is also important to consider any body clips the horse may have when selecting a liner. A horse with a full body clip, for example, may need a heavier liner than a horse with just a trace clip.

Overall, selecting the right blanket accessories and considering additional factors such as body clips and activity levels can help ensure the horse stays comfortable and protected in their blanket.

Frequently Asked Questions

A horse blanket being measured with a tape measure, a sizing chart visible nearby

How to Size a Horse Blanket: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

What are the standard horse blanket sizes in centimeters?

Horse blanket sizes are usually measured in inches, not centimeters. However, some manufacturers may provide measurements in centimeters as well. It’s important to refer to the sizing chart provided by the manufacturer to ensure the best fit for your horse.

How can I determine the proper fit for a horse blanket?

Measuring your horse accurately is the key to finding the proper fit for a horse blanket. Measure your horse’s length, height, and girth accurately, and refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart for the best fit. Keep in mind that different breeds, ages, and climates may require different sizes.

What size blanket should I purchase for a horse that is 14.2 hands?

The size of the horse blanket required for a 14.2 hand horse will depend on the horse’s measurements, not its height alone. It’s important to measure the horse’s length, height, and girth accurately and refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart for the best fit.

How do I measure my horse for a blanket if there is no size tag?

If there is no size tag on the horse blanket, you can measure your horse’s length, height, and girth accurately and refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart for the best fit. It’s also a good idea to measure the blanket itself to determine its size.

Is there a difference in fit preference for horse blankets based on brand?

Different brands of horse blankets may have slightly different sizing and fit preferences. It’s important to refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart and consider the brand’s reputation for quality and fit when choosing a horse blanket.

What are the consequences of using an ill-fitting horse blanket?

Using an ill-fitting horse blanket can cause discomfort, rubbing, and even injury to your horse. It can also cause the blanket to shift or slip, leaving your horse unprotected from the elements. It’s important to measure your horse accurately and refer to the manufacturer’s sizing chart for the best fit to ensure your horse’s comfort and safety.

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